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Thoughts for Teens

Thoughts for Teens is a set of devotionals written by Aidan's daughter, Mary.  These devotionals are designed to encourage and challenge other teens as well as non-teens to a closer walk with the Lord.  We hope you are blessed as you read Mary's Thoughts for Teens.  

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How to Help The Lonely Print E-mail
How to Help the Lonely - Psalm 25:16
You may at times "feel" lonely but the reality you are never alone - The LORD is near - Phil 4:5,- you are never alone, He is always with you. You may not "feel" He is near, nor "feel" His presence, but where in the Scriptures are we told to trust how we "feel?" We are called to walk by faith not by sight. Whether we "feel" His presence or not, is not the issue. Truth is! What does He say in His Word? This is what we feed our souls with, speak the truth to ourselves   

"The LORD is near!..." me - Phil 4:4
"The LORD listens..." to me - Psalm 34:6 
"The LORD is for... " me - Romans 8 :31 
"The LORD LOVES..." me - Rev 1:5
"The LORD cares for ...me:- 1 Peter 5:7
"The LORD has Chosen..." me- Eph 1:4
Cultivate His truth, it is possible to be "lonely" in a crowd, but realize you are never, ever alone. He waits to be wanted by you.
In the Old Testament- the word "loneliness" speaks of "one alone, only, one who is solitary, forsaken, wretched." 
How difficult and often with the loneliness, is the isolation, hopelessness, the "feeling" of being all alone, and no one who cares whether you exist, or how you are doing. The "sense" of being all alone. The home sick can "feel" it, the young can know it, the college student, the worker who comes back to an empty apartment, the unemployed, even the married, the ones who have lost a loved one. The elderly, loneliness can strike any one at any time. A friend once told me of living in a large city, where he was playing as a top athlete and yet the feelings of loneliness amidst such crowds of people. Surrounded by hundreds of thousands of people in that city and yet the "feeling" of loneliness! The sense of isolation, not having a friend-a true friend, the idea that comes to our mind that no one cares about us. How shocking, saddening and at times deflating. And as a result too often the seeking out of companionship in places or things that God never intended to use to meet that void! 
David knew of it, he cried out in loneliness and despair over his own son, who turned against him and the men of Israel went after him and he fled, lonely and afflicted- Psalm 25:16, yet he teaches the lonely and afflicted a TRUTH to be TRIED which is TRUSTED- HE TURNED TO GOD, for in Him was His only Hope and true companionship - Psalm 25:21. This is paramount for those times of "Loneliness" which come to our MIND’S and often the lies that often accompany it. God cares for you- 1 Peter 5:7!
 In the New Testament the word is used twice but not of people but ofa “desolate place,” Mark 1:45; Luke 5:16

Times of such "feelings" can be springboards not to meditate and spiral into ultimate despair, but to catch those thoughts immediately and take them captive and trust Him, ask Him to help you to use them to be as a springboard into reminders to think on Him, talk to Him, listen to His Word. Thank Him. Speak the Truth to yourself- The LORD, the self existent, Covenant Keeping, unchanging, Provider, Sovereign, God {as each of these attributes is used to express attributes of the LORD, in Scripture.} - Jesus is LORD. He is always, permanently Near you. He is always attentively listening to you.{1 Peter 3:12} The LORD is always for you, and nothing or no one can separate you from His love. For the LORD always, unconditionally loves you. The Gospel of John in particular chapter 15 gives us wonderful realities and truth to meditate upon and embrace- Rest in Jesus -John 15:4; Rest in Jesus Word- John 15:7; Rest in Jesus love- John 15:10.

No matter who walks out of your life, He never will. He is love, and love is committed. Heb 13:5.
Jesus Christ is the answer whatever the cause of loneliness.
He "sticks closer than a brother" - Prov 18:24
He "laid down His life for His friends." John 15;13-15... and you are "in Christ" by God's doing, you are His Friend!

  Don't waste your sorrows, or loneliness- when such"feelings" come to you -Immediately look to reach out to Jesus and look to reach out to serve others. Don't turn inward and focus on your-self. Turn away to Jesus,-Heb 12:2... and look out to seek to serve others, for JESUS SAKE- 2 Cor 4:5- Phil 2:3-5.
"Feelings of loneliness" are not new, but to continue to think on them will only lead to despair, withdrawal, isolation, self -pity and living as though the LORD is not Near, you have no assignment from Him to Know Him and make Him known. Think on Him, live in light He is Near, cultivate His nearness, engage with Him...now! "Feelings change, " Truth is unchanging! Embrace the reality..."THE LORD IS NEAR!"
Perhaps YOU ARE not there, But you can be God's means of help to the lonely, "God makes a home for the lonely."- Psalm 68:6;You can offer hospitality to those who need companionship. Do you know anyone who is single, or an elderly person who is "alone." I can think of an elderly man who sits up at night - alone, dreading to go to bed, by himself, since his wife passed on to be with the LORD Jesus.. He himself has been a great encourager to others but as my youngest son once asked, "Daddy, who encourages the encourager?" Is there no home for him? Is there no one to reach out to him? Is there no one who could invite him for a meal or bring him a meal? Is there no family for this lonely man?
A widow told me how often her phone rang for her husband but since he has passed away into the presence of Jesus the call's have stopped. Is there no room for her in someone's heart or home to reach out to her?
How about a young mom, "feeling" overwhelmed, or the lady who wrote to me who said in her sixties there seemed to be  no longer needed by the younger generation in ministry. So often and too easily we discard people and CONTRIBUTE to the temptation of their loneliness or compound it.   
Can you open your HEART and offer your home and give them a warm welcome and make a place for them! You can offer a sympathetic ear, you can seek to encourage with the above Scriptures to strengthen them in such times...to focus on Who they are "In Christ" what they have "In Christ" and to seek to reach out to serve others “for Christ, “realizing the "feelings of loneliness" do not negate the Fact- The LORD is NEAR! They are never alone. It is to choose to Live by faith and NOT by “feelings” as the authority for how you live. The Kingdom of God still needs to be spread. And focusing inward will thwart that.
Speak the truth to yourself...THESE PROMISES...
"The LORD is near!..." me - Phil 4:4
"The LORD listens..." to me - Psalm 34:6 
"The LORD is for... " me - Romans 8 :31 
"The LORD LOVES..." me - Rev 1:5
"The LORD Cares for..." me- 1 Peter 5:7
"The LORD has Chosen me"- Eph 1:4
The LORD has COMMISIONED you and me to go, and as I am going in my daily living to – continually make disciples- there is the Assurance HE is WITH you always!- Matt 18:19-20. Be about Kingdom Business! To the ones who are SUFFERING- He Assures them, “I will never, no never leave nor forsake you.”-Heb 13:5
Don't wait till you "feel" better, for that is to allow your "feeling" To dictate and to Govern you. NO- You, choose to allow truth to dictate to you. "THE LORD IS NEAR." Speak to Him, lean upon Him- He is trustworthy!
There is Hope for the Lonely and it is found in the Assurance, His promise He is Near.
There is help for the Lonely- and you may be the one God affords the privilege to comfort, strengthen, encourage the lonely!

Verse of the Day

"Do all things without grumbling or questioning, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world." - Philippians 2:14-15


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Reconciliation Ministries Inc.
PO Box 4052
Greenville, SC 29608

Aidan McKenzie

Aidan was born in Ireland. He is a former professional football [soccer] player in the English football League and the American Soccer League. 

Upon graduation from Bible school in 1985 he began his ministry...